Let’s talk about CBD breakfast smoothies, shall we? Whether you enjoy them for breakfast or as a midday pick-me-up, these delightful concoctions are like liquid sunshine. Not only are they a tasty treat, but they also pack a punch of essential nutrients in one convenient sip. And guess what? You can take your CBD breakfast smoothie game to a whole new level by adding a dropper full of Kynd CBD oil into the mix. It’s like a secret ingredient that adds an extra dose of wellness to your favourite blend.
Now, let me share with you a recipe I have been making for years, even before I learnt about CBD and all it’s amazing properties, strawberry, and banana smoothie with a CBD twist.
When it comes to infusing your smoothie with CBD, the sky’s the limit! You can add as much or as little CBD oil as your heart desires. Personally, I opt for one dropper of my beloved Kynd CBD oil (usually the 1000mg tincture, but whichever strength your using would also work splendidly with this recipe).
Remember, creating a CBD-infused smoothie is all about customising it to your liking. So, grab those strawberries, peel those bananas, and let’s embark on a lip-smacking journey of flavour and wellness. Cheers to your new favourite CBD-boosted smoothie!
- 1 banana peeled and roughly chopped.
- 4-6 strawberries, destalked and washed.
- 1 cup of almond milk
- 1 teaspoon of honey
- One full dropper (1 ml) of CBD oil (such as KYND CBD)
Instructions to make:
Let’s bring out the blender and get blending, shall we? Creating your CBD-infused masterpiece is as easy as 1, 2, blend! Here’s what you need to do:
- Gather all the ingredients for your CBD-infused smoothie.
- Pop them all inside your trusty blender.
- Secure the lid tightly (we don’t want any smoothie explosions, do we?).
- Give it a whirl and blend away until everything becomes beautifully smooth and harmonious.
Voila! Your CBD-infused smoothie is now ready to be enjoyed. Pour it into a glass, take a moment to appreciate your culinary prowess, and indulge in the deliciousness that awaits. Sip, savour, and let the CBD goodness nourish your body and soul.